Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage.
Heavy metals toxicity caused by increasing levels of pollution and use of chemicals in industry is a growing threat to our health and development of our children. High levels of toxic metals deposited in body tissues and subsequently in the brain, may cause significant developmental and neurological damage, including autistic symptoms, depression, increased irritability, anxiety, insomnia, hallucinations, memory loss, aggression and many other disorders.Advanced laboratory testing will help determine levels of heavy metals deposited in body tissues and best course of treatments. People suffering from above mentioned disorders may respond favorably to removal of toxic metals. These patients may also have low values of essential elements like calcium, potassium, zinc, and magnesium, which can also be diagnosed with the test by the Great Plains Laboratory. Treatment of heavy metal exposure usually involves the removal of the heavy metal source and treatment with chelating agents.
Find out if METAL TEST is for you by speaking to our medical experts.